When I was working for MISOM, the bread and butter of our work revolved around helping mines integrate their data and surface it as useful information. A huge portion of that data was operations management data, much of it from various fleet management solutions, much of which was designed to meet the needs of the largest mines in the world. The founder of the company decided that we should make a piece of software that was better tailored to suit the needs of small mines. All of our developers at the time were backend engineers and IT experts so I was tapped to try and design what this software could look like. At the time I was still relatively new to programming, my scripting skills were really solid but I know almost nothing about app development. I found a piece of software that would allow me to make wireframe mockups of the applications and scaffold the mockups together into a rudimentary app. Shortly after making those mockups, I moved on to another company but MISOM eventually developed that light fleet management app and eventually sold the company to MST Global.